School Hours
Grades K-5: 8:35-a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Children are requested not to arrive earlier than 8:35 a.m. without supervision.
Arrival and Departure
Most children can walk to and from school. In case of rainy or snowy weather, please be sure your child is dressed appropriately for inclement weather conditions. Children can be helped to plan the time needed to get to school at the appropriate time - not too early or too late. When the bell rings at 8:35, instructional associates will open the doors and welcome the children.
For safety reasons, children are instructed to go directly home after school is dismissed. There is NO adult supervision in the event of an accident or injury. For the before school care program, contact the school office for information.
There is no supervision on the playground before or after school. Children should not arrive before 8:35 and must go directly home after school unless a parent accompanies them to the playground.
Absence Verification
When a child is to be absent from school for any reason, parents are requested to call the Absence Verification Number (201-444-8225) and leave a message on the tape stating the child's name, class and reason for absence. Messages may be called in during the night or early morning hours before school opens. Parent volunteers will then check the recorded message against each class attendance record and follow up on any child's absence which has not been reported.
A child is considered tardy if he/she is not in his/her classroom by the tardy bell at 8:45 a.m. Unavoidable tardiness caused by weather or transportation will be excused at the discretion of the administrator. A note of explanation may be requested. In cases of chronic tardiness, arrangements will be made to make up time lost after school as arranged by the Principal
Visitor's Regulations
Any visitor entering the school for any reason is required first to enter the Bogert Avenue door. Once you scan your driver's license you will be instructed for the next steps. Visitors are asked to wear this ID tag and lanyard at all times while in the school building.
Medical Appointments
If it is not possible to schedule a doctor or dentist appointment after school or on weekends, written excuses requesting absence during school hours for these appointments should be cleared through the school office.
Notification Procedure for Closing School
Every effort will be made to notify parents no later than 7:15 a.m. Parents will be notified with a message to their email, cell phones and/or home phones. Parents may call 670-2700 for a recorded message.
Delayed Opening
Under the delayed opening plan all schedules are delayed by two hours. School will begin at 10:45 a.m. instead of 8:45 a.m. at the elementary level.
Early Closing of School
The school will attempt to reach the parent or an emergency contact person. If the school is unsuccessful in notifying a parent then the child will remain in the school until the 3:00 p.m. dismissal. A parent who desires to pick up his/her child before the designated early dismissal time should come to the main office. The office staff will contact the teacher for the child to come to the office so the parent can sign out the child.
Telephone Calls
If, in an emergency, it is necessary to contact your child during school hours, please call the school office. All other business should be conducted by note or email to the teacher, nurse or administrator.
Cell Phones
Cell phones and Smart watch use is not permitted while students are in school. It must be turned off and left in the backpack during school hours.
Lunch Procedure
Parents of children in grades K through 5 may choose the option of either having their children eat lunch at home or at school. Children who eat lunch in school may bring a lunch from home or purchase lunch and/or milk. Lunches are sold/ordered on a monthly basis. For the safety of your child and others, parents should avoid sending in glass beverage bottles.
Lost and Found
The Lost and Found container is located outside the music room. It always contains an assortment of articles. Please check the box periodically. Unclaimed articles may be donated to local charities.
Health Information
The school nurse provides only first aid when a child is injured or becomes ill at school and, when necessary, arranges for the child to go home. Parents are requested to come for their children. If you are not available, the person listed on the child's' emergency form is notified and asked to come for the child. No child in the elementary school will be sent home alone, with or without parental consent.
Physical examinations are required for all students entering Kindergarten and 5th grade. It is recommended that these physicals be done by the family physician after June 1 and prior to October 1. Students not seen by their own family physician will be examined by the school physician. Children are tested annually by the school nurse for possible impairments of vision and hearing. Height and weight are also recorded. A state mandated scoliosis screening is also done by the school nurse every year after fifth grade. Mandated tuberculin tests are also given to new children in the school from outside New Jersey.
The school nurse cannot legally prescribe or administer oral medication (prescription or non-prescription) without a physician's written orders. If it is necessary for your child to take medication during school hours, the medication, along with the physician's instructions and information sheet, must be given to the school nurse. Medication should not be carried to school by the student each day. The container with the prescription label should be left in school with the nurse and the medicine intended for home use should be placed in another safe, labeled container.
A health problem in school is the spread of pediculosis (head lice). This can affect any child. Please check your child's head carefully each week for eggs (nits) or lice when shampooing and report any case to the school nurse immediately. This confidential information will be useful in controlling the spread of lice.
Emergency Forms
If your telephone of business address changes, please update the information online so that the school has the most up to date information at all times.
Class Parties
The teacher has the discretion of allowing a simple birthday observance for a student. A simple refreshment may be shared for a brief part of the day as an acknowledgment for a pupil leaving our school. The tradition of four party events at Halloween, winter holiday, St. Valentine's Day and the end of the year will be discretionary on the part of the teacher. Invitations to private parties will not be handed out in school.
No birthday party will be held in school for teachers. This practice embarrasses the teacher involved and creates social pressure for the other classes to do likewise.
Helpful Hints for Volunteers for Trips
Chaperone Responsibilities:
- To follow each of the instructions specified by the tour guide or teacher
- To model exemplary behavior serving as positive role model for the children
- To remain with and supervise your group at all times
- To arrive at Travell School on time and meet in the front lobby
- To refrain from the consumption of any alcoholic beverage
- To refrain from conducting personal business while on tour and/or while supervising the children
- To refrain from smoking cigarettes while serving as a chaperone.
- To refrain from bringing any siblings on the trip
- To wear a watch and bring a back pack to carry some supplies
- To refrain from souvenir shopping or purchasing food.
Bike Safety
Only 4th and 5th graders are permitted to ride their bicycles to school. Bicycle racks are provided. Helmets are required by New Jersey State Law. Please remember that it is every parent's responsibility to ensure that their child's bike is in good working condition. It is recommended that locks be provided for bikes placed in the racks. Bikes may not be BORROWED or LOANED without permission of the owner. Bicycles should NOT be ridden on school grounds. Children should dismount at the approach to the school play area and walk their bicycles to the rack.
Safety and Parking
All individuals transporting children to school are required to obey parking regulations. During school hours Bogert Avenue is ONE-WAY. Please use the drop-off section on the right side of Bogert at the curb along the school field for QUICK stops to discharge passengers.
If you have some delay or you need to escort your child into school, please leave the drop-off area and park beyond the school.
Parking is permitted beyond the school on either side of the street. Please observe the yellow curb markings and private driveways where parking is prohibited.
Handicapped drop-off and pick-up is available and clearly marked. Handicapped parking is available at the Bogert Avenue entrance just beyond the crosswalk.
Adult crossing guards are provided by the Ridgewood Police Department at the intersection of:
Fairfield Ave. and Downs St.
Fairfield and Meadowbrook; Fairfield and Franklin Turnpike
Fairfield Ave. & Linwood Ave.; Fairfield Ave. & East Glen Ave.; Meadowbrook Ave. & Van Dien Ave.
There are no crossing guards at lunch time.
We ask for your cooperation in all these areas for the safety and well being of all our children.